Finally found some time to continue working on notebook #6. Spent a lot of time sanding it. One side finished, another started. Still lots of sanding to do.
This website has been archived and is no longer being updated. Mostly because my life took a different turn at some point, with less making/manufacturing stuff to write about.
Check out hannobraun.com, to see what I'm up to these days.
I have a daily habit of working on side projects, and I've come to appreciate the benefits of tracking that habit out in the open. If I'm doing work on a software project, I track that on GitHub. If it's more hands-on, I like to post an update here.
Finally found some time to continue working on notebook #6. Spent a lot of time sanding it. One side finished, another started. Still lots of sanding to do.
More progress on notebook #6 last weekend: Mull is on. Bookmark is on.
The next step on notebook #6 is completed: text block is sewn.
Better safe than sorry: I just installed a self-activating fire extinguisher into my printer enclosure. In case of fire, this thing is supposed to saturate the enclosure with some type of gas that quenches the fire immediately.
Started working on notebook #6. Signatures are done. Next step is sewing them into a text block.
This will most likely be the last notebook I work on. It was a nice hobby, but I want to focus on other things now.