This website has been archived and is no longer being updated. Mostly because my life took a different turn at some point, with less making/manufacturing stuff to write about.

Check out, to see what I'm up to these days.

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Hanno Braun

making and small-scale manufacturing


I have a daily habit of working on side projects, and I've come to appreciate the benefits of tracking that habit out in the open. If I'm doing work on a software project, I track that on GitHub. If it's more hands-on, I like to post an update here.

  1. I found out yesterday that my newsletter sign-up form hadn't been working in Chrome. For months. Of course I had tested it regularly, but in Firefox.

    Well, now I know more about the pitfalls of cross-browser compatibility, and you can finally sign up to my newsletter. If anything's not working, please let me know!

  2. I've been busy printing NonOilen. Experimented with settings, to try and print it without adhesive, but no luck due to warping problems. Maybe it's possible with an enclosure.

    Happy to report that the crash last week doesn't seem to have caused any damage on the printer, as far as I can tell.

  3. I crashed my printer yesterday! Into the screws at the back of the heat bed, that serve as a stop for the steel sheets. No visible damage. The nozzle just flexed out of the way, but I don't know if anything was knocked out of alignment.

    Lesson learned: PrusaSlicer will happily let you drive the nozzle into those screws, if you tell it to. Even though it usually throws an error at you, if it sees a path that is out of bounds.

  4. A small calibration cube, a larger cube printed in vase mode, and a one-layer calibration square. All printed in NonOilen.

    Now that my printer works again and all my problems are solved forever, I'm back to getting the NonOilen to work. I made good progress, but am having some trouble with warping.

    I'll post a note about printing NonOilen on a Prusa Mini, once I got it working sufficiently well.

  5. A small desktop lamp with integrated magnifying glass.

    In my main workshop, I got this lamp with an integrated magnifying glass attached to my bench. I was missing something similar in my severely space-constrained home workshop, so I got this tiny thing.

    The desktop lamp from the previous picture, but folded together.

    I haven't used it extensively, so I can't give a firm recommendation yet, but it looks decent and literally fits in my pocket.