This website has been archived and is no longer being updated. Mostly because my life took a different turn at some point, with less making/manufacturing stuff to write about.

Check out, to see what I'm up to these days.

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Hanno Braun

making and small-scale manufacturing


I have a daily habit of working on side projects, and I've come to appreciate the benefits of tracking that habit out in the open. If I'm doing work on a software project, I track that on GitHub. If it's more hands-on, I like to post an update here.

  1. The source code for this website is now public. I doubt anyone is going to jump at the chance to fix my typos, but I figured why not.

  2. A Screw Pad being held in a hand. Three previous prototypes are visible in the background.

    Last thing I did before my vacation: Print Screw Pad prototype #4. Featuring a knurling pattern that's way more pleasant, and thicker walls. I also tried to add chamfers to various edges, but man, OpenSCAD makes that way too hard.

  3. I hear there are some kind of end-of-year holidays coming up? I'll take that as an opportunity for a week of vacation. I'll be back in the new year!

  4. The bottom of a Screw Pad, showing the following signature: Screw Pad · Hanno Braun · 2021-W51 · #3 · Made in Odenwald

    Printed Screw Pad prototype #3 yesterday. Fixed the screw and added a signature to the bottom. The higher-resolution screw generation makes a clear difference, compared to prototype #1.

    I'm considering to change the knurling pattern (this one feels a bit harsh) and thicken the wall of the nut (probably not necessary; but the thicker walls of the screw just look better, more solid). And the thread fit needs to be adjusted; it's a tiny bit loose.

  5. The two parts of the second Screw Pad prototype. The two parts of the first prototype are in the back, for comparison.

    I printed another Screw Pad prototype last week (it's the one in front; the first one is in the back, for comparison). More knurling, less wasted material, higher-resolution thread generation. It doesn't work though! The screw part is too large and doesn't fit the nut. Fortunately I know how to solve this problem.