This website has been archived and is no longer being updated. Mostly because my life took a different turn at some point, with less making/manufacturing stuff to write about.

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Hanno Braun

making and small-scale manufacturing

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A plastic container full of 3D prints, mostly calibration prints and some print failures, printed with Fillamentum NonOilen.

It took time, and some trial and error, but I've finally created a working slicer profile for NonOilen. With that in hand, and my printer back under control, I've restarted my effort to create a physical product. More on that soon!

Three books on a table: Designing 3D Printers by Neil Rosenberg, The Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D Printing by Clifford Smyth, and 3D Printing Failures by Sean Aranda.

And since it's certain that I'll run into problems sooner or later, I want to be better prepared next time. Hopefully these books will help me step up my game!

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