Hey there! I no longer provide services in the embedded field, and this website is archived. To see what I'm up to these days, please visit hannobraun.com.


  1. Using ownership-based APIs with RTIC

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    Many APIs in the Embedded Rust ecosystem utilize Rust's ownership system to encode state at compile time, consuming an old instance of a type and returning a new one when changing state. How can such an API be used with RTIC, when RTIC only gives us mutable references to resources?

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  2. DW1000 Driver in Rust

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    The DW1000 is a radio transceiver chip that is capable of IEEE 802.15.4 communication and position tracking. This article introduces the chip and its Rust driver.

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  3. Using the Tlera Corp Gnat without Arduino

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    The Tlera Corp Gnat is a very compact Asset Tracker board using LoRA and GNSS technology. This article is for anyone who's interested in using the board while steering clear of anything Arduino.

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